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In addition to offering a variety of individual Satir training opportunities to students and practitioners, the UNC Satir Program will also offer a certificate program for those who want a more comprehensive understanding of the model and are interested in formal designation as Satir Providers. The curriculum for the Satir Certificate will be established over the course of the next year and the certificate program is scheduled to be in place sometime in 2018.

While the requirements for the certificate have not yet been finalized, anyone who is interested in this certificate is strongly advised to attend the Summer Intensive workshop in Chapel Hill.

More information will be posted here as it becomes available, but in the meantime please feel free to contact us with any questions you might have. We are very excited about being able to offer this unique opportunity very soon!

UNC Satir  •  325 Pittsboro Street  •  CB #3550  •  Chapel Hill, NC  27599  •  919-360-0413