Satir Resources
The Virginia Satir Global Network (formerly the Avanta Network) consists of individuals, institutes and organizations dedicated to furthering the creation of healthy and just relationships with self and others based on the teachings of Virginia Satir. Memberships that allow you to connect with other members of the Satir community and access a variety of educational materials plus training discounts are available at three different levels: Student, Supporter, and Professional.
International Human Learning Resources Network (IHLRN) is an organization that was begun by Virginia Satir in 1970 to foster human growth and development by means of a conference. This conference focuses on innovations in family therapy and intervention tools that she and others had developed, and other recent developments. Memberships are available.
Satir International Journal offers research and applications for the mental health of individuals, and promotes the healthy development of families, groups and organizations in society. Its goals encompass therapeutic communication, equality, spirituality, ethical decision-making and global diversity. Membership is free.